¡Soy una tortuga!

You Are A: Turtle!

turtleThese reptiles, famous for their hard outer shells, spent their days roaming for food and relaxing in the water. As a turtle you are not very speedy, nor are you soft and cuddly. You aren’t much of a sprinter, however you are as cute as you are fascinating.

You were almost a: Duckling or a Lamb
You are least like a: Squirrel or a ParakeetCute Animal Quiz!

Y si no, un patito o un cordero… :-P (Vía)


3 respuestas a «¡Soy una tortuga!»

  1. Soy un Osito (bear cub)… madre m�a…

  2. arantza


  3. Walter John

    Quieres decir que no ha habido un error… pq yo dir�a que eres un: TRUTXON!!!

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