The Grid

The Grid es una ¿nueva? iniciativa para aunar capacidad distribuida con el objetivo de convertir Internet en un recurso computacional global que aplicar a proyectos de envergadura.

Me encanta el aire de «cibersueño científico» que le dan al proyecto en la web :-)

Imagine a lot of computers, let’s say several million.[…]Imagine they are situated all over the world. Obviously, they belong to many different people (students, doctors, secretaries…) and institutions (companies, universities, hospitals…).

Now imagine that you have a magic tool which makes all of them act as a single, huge and powerful computer. Wow! Now that really is different. This huge, sprawling mess of a computer is what some dreamers think «The Grid» will be.

Un comentario en “The Grid”

  1. Es un proyecto realmente apasionante. Este verano voy un par de meses a currar al Cern en el tema del GRID. Ya contaré mis aventuras en mi blog si te interesa.

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