Sí, el tráiler de Star Wars mola…
…pero la realidad supera a la ficción. Tanto en lo que se refiere al espacio…
NASA’s Messenger probe set for death plunge into Mercury’s surface http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/203607-nasas-messenger-probe-set-for-death-plunge-into-mercurys-surface
SpaceX Falcon 9 almost-landing.
Precision touch-down is still a tremendous achievement—but it needs more touch. http://arstechnica.com/science/2015/04/spacex-releases-deck-camera-footage-of-falcon-9-almost-landing/
…como a los droids…
‘Robobarista’ Can Figure Out Your New Coffee Machine http://cacm.acm.org/news/185795-robobarista-can-figure-out-your-new-coffee-machine/fulltext
Robocop Delivers Pizza, Prevents Suicide http://spectrum.ieee.org/view-from-the-valley/robotics/military-robots/robocop-delivers-pizza-prevents-suicide
Mi efeméride particular
(del día 17)
que levante la mano quien pueda decir que lleva 14 años en su trabajo (y le sigue gustando) :-)
De diseño…
Brands redesigned by hand, an experiment in lettering http://www.designer-daily.com/brands-redesigned-by-hand-52369
The best UI typeface goes unnoticed http://thomasbyttebier.be/blog/the-best-ui-typeface-goes-unnoticed
15 Years of Dao. 15 años de *el* manifiesto y sigue siendo un #mustread http://alistapart.com/blog/post/15-years-of-dao
#webcat en @MosaicUOC, la excelentísima charla de @ivoserrano y @pselfa sobre el diseño responsive de la web de TV3 http://mosaic.uoc.edu/2015/04/07/webcat-el-papel-del-responsive-design-en-el-nuevo-portal-de-tv3-y-catalunya-radio/
RT @newsycombinator Clean Up Your Mess – A Guide to Visual Design for Everyone http://visualmess.com/index.html
RT @rakelka «¿Crear webs sin escribir código es posible? La eterna promesa de los editores web» http://www.criteriondg.info/wordpress/crear-webs-sin-escribir-codigo-es-posible-la-eterna-promesa-de-los-editores-web/
…y de desarrollo
BEM Constructor is a Sass library for building immutable and namespaced BEM-style CSS objects https://github.com/danielguillan/bem-constructor
la página de accesibilidad de Facebook Code https://code.facebook.com/accessibility
RT @koalillo Te levantas un sábado a las 7am, te pones a administrar sistemas y acabas escribiendo sobre Debian GNU/Windows http://alex.corcoles.net/2015/04/debian-gnuwindows/
the original jQuery code from 2006, commented by John Resig (via @brucel) http://genius.it/5113780/ejohn.org/files/jquery-original.html
Harp serves Jade, Markdown, EJS, CoffeeScript, Sass, LESS and Stylus as HTML, CSS & JS—no configuration necessary. http://harpjs.com/
RT @tech_faq The term «virus» was first used to denote a self-reproducing program in a short story by David Gerrold in Galaxy magazine in 1969.
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